Like any small Canadian community, Fort McKay First Nation builds and maintains the required infrastructure such as roads, schools and community centres to meet the needs of its growing population.
The Nation also provides after-school programs, runs an alternative high school, provides youth programs and sports teams, as well as an Elders’ Centre, and a Continuing Care Centre. The Nation also pays the salaries and benefits costs for its administration staff, teachers, doctors, nurses and other specialists providing community services.
Each year, the Nation creates a budget to provide these critical programs and services. On average, 5-10% of the funds for the budget are received by federal or provincial sources (approx. $3-4M). The remaining 90-95% is generated by FMFN through business profits from its 12 companies, sometimes supplemented by oil sands partners and business investments.
Mandate: To support recreational; and cultural activities in the community of Fort McKay
Fort McKay boasts numerous recreation facilities, including playgrounds and parks, a baseball diamond, as well as a community arena offering a range of recreational opportunities for the entire community.
The Fort McKay Recreational and Cultural Society oversees and manages recreational programs, playgrounds and other recreational facilities in Fort McKay.
Board members are:
Mel Grandjamb President
Rod Hyde: Secretary/Treasurer
Dwayne Bacon: Director
Rod Hyde at