Anthony Chen

Established 2018
FMFN + Brock Canada
SOOGADIN (pronounced ‘Soo-gah-tin’) means “powerfully built” in Cree.
Formed by Fort McKay First Nation and Brock Canada, Soogadin leverages the expertise of two progressive businesses to bring leadership, operating efficiency, and a focus on community to the industry. Our joint venture is founded on a shared vision of value and innovation with a focus on providing the energy industry with powerful and progressive solutions.
Soogadin services green and brown-field capital projects, shutdown/turnaround work, and specialized long-term facility maintenance, offering its clients solutions that contribute to operational optimization, asset integrity, enhanced production, cost certainty and cost reduction, while increasing safety and minimizing environmental impact.
Soogadin will be the largest Aboriginal scaffolding, insulation, fireproofing and paint & blast provider in Canada. Every aspect of the business and its plans for sustainable growth will be Powerfully Built.