In December 2020, Fort McKay Lands and Leasing posted a call out for members interested in joining the first-ever Fort McKay First Nation Land Code Committee. The purpose of the Land Code Committee is to guide and direct the development of the Fort McKay First Nation Land Code. The committee members provide a link between leadership, administration, and Fort McKay members to ensure the Land Code reflects the values, principles, and vision of Fort McKay First Nation members.
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest and accepted an invitation agreed to join the Committee. A list of your Land Code Committee members can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Land Code Committee members – October 7th, 2021
The Land Code Committee held two technology orientation sessions and eleven online meetings since May of 2021. The meetings were held virtually over Microsoft Teams and had a high level of participation by committee members.
The first several meetings addressed background information on the duties of the Land Code Committee, Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management, and the process for drafting a Land Code. Guest speakers from the FNLM Resource Center were on hand at every meeting to provide valuable information and insight into the Land Code Development process to committee members.
A Language sub-Committee was formed to assist the Land Code Committee with integrating Cree and Dene words and concepts into the Land Code preamble. The preamble sets the stage for the Land Code by making statements about the history and purpose of the law. This group met in late March and is planning to meet again in late May to help prepare the final draft wording for the Land Code preamble.
A Land Code Committee 2-day retreat was held in Enoch on April 13 & 14 and included participation by Chief and Council, language sub-committee members, and special guests from the Lands Advisory Board. The focus of the retreat was to complete a full legal review of the Land Code with Fort McKay’s lawyer, with opportunities for committee members to discuss and ask questions. Only a few outstanding items remain in the current draft, aside from the preamble, and the Land Code Committee is working hard on updating those parts for the final draft.
To view the Land Code Committee meeting agendas, click on the link below:
Land Code Committee – April 13-14, 2022 retreat agenda
Land Code Committee Meeting Agendas – 2021-2022
For further information on the Land Code Committee or to request a copy of Committee meeting minutes (Fort McKay members only) please contact the Land Code Committee Coordinator:
Tara Telnes, Land Management Technician
Fort McKay First Nation