Our goal is to build a strong and healthy community in Fort McKay. First Nation-owned Business Revenues account for 52% of total revenues for the Nation and provide the necessary resources needed for programs, healthcare, education, and infrastructure for our members. The Nation’s revenues come mainly from Business Profits, Land Rent, Property Taxes, Industry Grants, and Business Interests. Only a marginal amount comes from provincial or federal funding.
Over the past several decades, Fort McKay First Nation has successfully built a growing business portfolio by providing high-quality services that are safe, timely, and cost-effective. We have worked with industry partners to ensure that our members access the benefits created by industrial development in our traditional territory, while at the same time mitigating the impact oil sands development has on our territory and culture.
The Nation’s business interests are conducted through Fort McKay Landing LP a wholly-owned Holding Company which oversees twelve (12) companies. Our investment approach is to select industry leaders as partners and invest equally with them in the creation of a new company that we believe will be able to provide the services/products needed by clients.
In a portfolio company, we typically hold majority ownership (51%) and assign responsibility for day-to-day operations to our skilled partner, who holds minority ownership (49%).
As the majority percentage owners in these companies, we ensure through Board representation and oversight that the company is meeting the high expectation of customers and shareholders.